Call a member of our team for assistance with the Coroners
020 8571 0621
020 8843 0777
The Coroner of England & Wales
The main role of the Coroner is to investigate all sudden and unexpected deaths that occur throughout England and Wales (there are different procedures for Scotland).
What the Coroners does
Circumstances when a death is reported the Coroner
For a full list of circumstances please use the link at the end of this page.
What happens when the death is reported to the Coroner?
The person who has died passes completely to the Coroner’s control until they issue an order for burial or cremation.
Most Coroner’s may have their own Funeral Directors, who will carry out the removal of the person who has passed away and take them to the local Coroner’s mortuary at no expense to the family, the family are under no obligation to use these Funeral Directors for the funeral arrangements and my wish to chose their own preferred Funeral Directors to make any funeral arrangements.